I'm not tellin' her, Nutella!

Molly and I had just bought some Nutella, so I decided to put that chocolaty goodness to work and make crêpes this morning. Molly helped with the photos (see the “flip” with Junius the cat watching.) I got out our usual crêpe toppings, which include, but are not limited to: sour cream, our grandmother’s jam, Nutella, fresh fruit (bananas, strawberries, etc.), lemon and sugar (<--so British!).

The finished product you see here is a Nutella crêpe in the middle and a lemon and sugar one on each side. It’s drizzled with my grandmother’s raspberry and red current jam (from her garden) and a dollop of crème fraiche. I usually use The Joy of Cooking recipe, but this time I tried a slightly different once from my crêpe cookbook written by Lou Seibert Pappas:

2 large eggs

1 cup milk

1/2 cup water

1 cup all purpose flour

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon rum, cointreau, amaretto, or brandy

2 tablespoons butter, melted, plus 2-3 teaspoons for coating the pan

Mix in food processor or, if by hand, sift the flour into a med. bowl and add sugar. Whisk the eggs until blended, mix in mild, water, vanilla, and liqueur and whisk this into flour; stir in melted butter. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour then gently stir if separated.

Heat a seasoned 7-10 inch nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Wipe the pan lightly with butter and pour 2-3 tablespoons of batter or 1/4 cup for larger crepes. Continually tilt the pan to coat surface, cook for 1 minute, flip, then cook for another 15 seconds. Cool on tea towel or eat immediately.

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